Casting a line towards the 2007 World Trade Expo

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

2007 Press Corps Poker winner's list

And now for the moment you've all been waiting for... (well, 9 of you anyway)

This year's winners of the 2007 FFR Press Corps Poker rally are:

1. Ross Purnell- 2 pair, Jacks and 2's

2. Joe Cornwall- 2 pair, 5's and 10's

3. Jacques Thibault- 2 pair, 2's and 3's

4. Dee Cornwall- Pair Aces

5. Conway Bowman- Pair 9's

6. Michelle Woo- Pair 4's

7. Ben Hoffman- Ace high, King

8. Geoff Mueller- Ace high, Queen, Jack

9. Jim- Reilly- Ace high, Queen

Our first place winner will have first choice from our list of prizes (click HERE for prize list), second place will have second choice, and, well, you get the picture. So let me know what you'd like Ross and I'll send some information on how to collect.