Monday, August 28, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Press Corps Poker Finals
And now for the much anticipated final tally. The hands counted out as follows:
1. John Kumiski- Four of a kind 6
2. Joe Cornwall- Full house 4’s over 6’s
3. Ronell Smith- Full house 3’s over 4’s
4. Charlie Meyers- Full house 2’s over 7’s
5. Walt Jennings- Straight 10 thru Ace
6. Dee Cornwall- Straight 3 thru 7
7. Troy Letherman- Two pair 6’s and Jacks
8. Dusan Smetana- Ace, 8 high
9. Jim Reilly- Ace, 6 high
10. Don Bishop- Ace high (tie)
11. Roger Maves- Ace high (tie)
12. Ben Hoffman- King high
13. Tim Moody- King high
14. Greg Thomas- King high
15. Paul Downing- Queen high
16. Ross Purnell- Queen high
17. Rusty Chinnis- Jack high
18. Keith Jackson- Jack high
19. Jay Nichols- 10 high
20. John Viehman- 9 high
21. Steve Dally- 4 high
The prize list includes:
-Modular Backpack by Trailflex
-A selection of BUZZ OFF products from Imperial Headwear
-The Flat Creek Jacket from Cloudveil
-Winner's choice of an Islander IR Click and Pawl trout reel or an LX Large Arbor Disc Drag reel (up to an 8wt, LX3.8)
-Winner's choice of the new Prism colored scissors or hemostats from Dr Slick
-Orvis' new Zero G 908-4 Saltwater fly rod, 9-foot, 4-piece, Mid-Flex 7.5 rod for 8-wt. line. 4 3/8oz
-An Abel Holds Everything Tackle Bag
-Two pairs of Smith Optics sunglasses
Our top nine finishers will be awarded prizes: the grand prize winner, John Kumiski, having first pick.
Winners will be contacted in the coming days with information on how to collect. Congratulations to all our prize winners, and thanks to everyone for participating!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Press Corps Poker Update
Currently, John Kimiski is in the lead with three of a kind, followed by Troy Letherman with 2 pair. And with four more rounds to go, this one is far from over.
Don Bishop
-A hearts
Rusty Chinnis
-6 spades
-J hearts
Dee Cornwell
-5 spades
-6 hearts
-7 diamonds
-K spades
-A spades
Joe Cornwell
-2 spades
-4 hearts
-4 hearts
-6 clubs
-10 clubs
-J clubs
-Q diamonds
Steve Dally
-4 spades
Paul Downing
-Q clubs
Ben Hoffman
-5 hearts
-8 spades
Keith Jackson
-3 spades
-4 clubs
-5 diamonds
-9 clubs
-10 diamonds
-J spades
Walt Jennings
-3 hearts
-4 hearts
-8 spades
-10 diamonds
-J diamonds
-K clubs
-K clubs
-A spades
John Kumiski
-4 clubs
-6 hearts
-6 clubs
-6 hearts
-9 hearts
-10 clubs
-Q spades
-A hearts
Troy Letherman
-6 spades
-6 clubs
-J hearts
-J hearts
-K clubs
Roger Maves
-A clubs
Charlie Meyers
-A hearts
-2 clubs
-3 hearts
-5 diamonds
-7 hearts
-K clubs
Tim Moody
-K spades
Jay Nichols
-3 hearts
-10 Clubs
Ross Purnell
-8 clubs
-Q diamonds
Jim Reilly
-6 spades
-A clubs
Ronell Smith
-3 Diamonds
-4 spades
Greg Thomas
-3 diamonds
-6 clubs
-8 spades
-K hearts
John Viehman
-9 clubs
Dusan Smetana
-4 hearts
-A clubs
2006 Casting Cup
casting area b1
Originally uploaded by palemorningmedia2.
Qualifying round 1 saw a total of 11 hopefuls arrive to huck their flies for distance, accuracy, and a good cause. Points are awarded for hitting targets and overall distance with bonus points for successfully casting at obstacles. Here's how the competition is stacking up:
Women's Totals
Sandy Roberts 2752
Men's Totals
Brian O'Keefe 3292
David Olson 3071
Clay Roberts 3042
Franco Zamboli 2774
Eric Herstedt 2464
And yes, so far there is only one female competetor. Ladies, we know you're out there...
Day 1 Round Up
ffr welcome
Originally uploaded by palemorningmedia2.
From the Industry Breakfast and qualifying round #1 at the Casting Cup to the Industry Party and the last award at The Drake magazine's Five Minutes of Flyfishing contest, day 1 at FFR kicked this year's show into high gear.
After spending a good portion of the day on the show floor talking with exhibitors and attending media, all reports indicate a strong business climate and a distinct level of excitement in the air.
Here's to another great day at FFR!
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Press Corps Poker Update
After three rounds of poker, the hands are shaping up as follows:
Don Bishop A hearts
Rusty Chinnis 6 spades
Dee Cornwell 5 spades, 7 diamonds
Joe Cornwell Q diamonds, 10 clubs
Steve Dally 4 spades
Paul Downing Q clubs
Keith Jackson 5 diamonds, 9 clubs
Walt Jennings 10 diamonds, 4 hearts, k clubs
John Kumiski 9 hearts, A hearts, 10 clubs
Troy Letherman 6 spades
Roger Maves A clubs
Charlie Meyers A hearts, 3 hearts
Tim Moody K spades
Jim Reilly A clubs
Ronell Smith 3 diamonds, 4 spades
Greg Thomas K hearts
Dusan Smetana 4 hearts
Not much so far, but with 9 rounds left to go, there's still plenty of time to put together some winning hands.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Who doesn't love Moldy Chum?
Originally uploaded by palemorningmedia2., bloggers of all things fish, have added a link to the FlyFishing Retailer blog. Check 'em out when you get a chance.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Media Shuttle
There is still room left on the FlyFishing Retailer Media Shuttle, leaving Denver International Airport at 11:00 am, 1:00, 3:00, and 5:00 pm on Wednesday, August 23. Please send an email with your cell phone number to if you are interested in taking advantage of this free service.
Friday, August 18, 2006
From our friends at AEG Media...
Attn: Trout Bums!!!
If your a fan of the Angling Exploration Groups revolutionizing first video release Trout Bum Diaries Vol. 1 Patagonia, then you’ll be happy to hear Vol. 2 is in the works and almost done! Fly fishing fanatics, trout bums, retail shop owners, and anyone who loves to fish get ready for some serious fish porn!!!! Vol. 2 “Kiwi Camo” will take you on another hair curling 5 month adventure around New Zealand’s South Island in search of MONSTER back country brown trout.
"Kiwi Camo" takes you inside the bum lifestyle where you’ll enjoy watching the crew and vehicles breakdown, dodge menacing eels and blood sucking sand flies as they sleep in ditches, culverts, and under bridges while rolling around in sheep shit for months without a showers. Its gonna be good folks!!!!! Check out the 5 minute film piece submission of Vol. 2 Kiwi Camo at The Drake Magazine’s Film Awards at the Oxford Hotel Thursday night (8-10:30pm). All I've got to say is Big Browns and Beer.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I couldn't have said it better myself
Casting Cup returns to FFR
During the Third Annual Orvis/Saltwater Fly Fishing Magazine Casting Cup, show-goers at FlyFishing Retailer 2006 will have the unique opportunity to cast for distance, accuracy, and their favorite environmental conservation effort.
Changing slightly this year to include separate Men’s and Women’s divisions, the Casting Cup will have participants vying for bragging rights and two $3,750 first place prizes to be donated to the environmental cause of the winners’ choice.